

Well 2021 is well under way, and nothing much has changed. Though human time measurements are somewhat arbitrary, a new year should at least give an illusion of forward movement. But alas not. South Africa is deep in the second wave lockdown, and live music is still not an option for most of us. I think it's time to embrace virtual technology and reinvent Quark. Watch this space.

2020 was here (or was it?)


I've put the Light and Sound and Neverland albums up on Bandcamp. Please visit my page there and follow. More albums will be coming soon.

2020 has been bad news for most of us. No gigs, no income. On the up side, some of us have got to grips with the technology for live streaming and online videos. I'm still working on that. I have taken time out to finish digitizing the old Odyssey album which was originally released on cassette. I have put the audio up on the Odyssey page, and made the lyrics accessible too. The album is not released for download, but if anyone is keen to have copy I can either post you the CD or email you the mp3s. Get me through the contact form.

Stay safe everyone and keep the music playing.

2020Vision festival, Saturday 25 January. I'm opening the concert at 13h00. Be there for an awesome afternoon and evening of local music.

Catch me at the Tapas sessions, Link Road Waterfall on Sunday 26th January . I'm playing at 14h30.

*** I've just uploaded a few audio tracks for the Photophonics album. Click the track title for the link. ***

2019 events

2019 has been a very quiet year musically. Dan has been away working in Tanzania (unfortunately we really need our day jobs) on and off for the whole year, so it's been impossible to arrange many gigs. My day job has also been taking up a lot of my attention, though I've done a few solo gigs. But we'll soon be getting together again to revisit the old tunes and look for some gigs in the new year. In the meantime, I am updating my website. There's a contact form so you can get in touch and tell me what you think of the new site.